Our Values, the SDGs, our history — English

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Our Values, the SDGs, our history

How is it, that in the 21st century, Humanity, despite being more educated than ever before, equipped with constitutions founded on the Right to life, guided by religions and spiritualities, which are themselves based on peaceful coexistence, keeps resorting to extreme violence and mass destruction rather than searching for consensus-driven creative solutions?

When we started this endeavour in 2004, why was it that there was still nothing available on the Internet in English or French to foster peace culture with children, youth, parents and teachers?

How is it that public funds are used to destroy by war, then rebuild after wars, but not to finance the shift to quality education based on the human values and competencies that prevent violence in the first place?


Grains of Peace's values are based on the respect for other human beings, in a spirit of openness, mutual understanding and peace. We firmly assert that violence, in all its forms, is unacceptable, and that the re-appropriation of human values is one of the best ways to dissipate it. 

Read our Charter of Values here. 

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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Graines de Paix's pedagogical approach combines two domains that had been separate up until now:

  • Quality education for leading to school success for all students and individual growth, with awareness for global issues in order to become more proactive citizens
    (Goal 4 in the Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2030: Quality Education)

  • Prevention of violence and radicalisation of young people which leads to sustainable security, societal peace, and a respect for life.
    (Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals 2016-2030: Peace and Justice).

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The Graines de Paix Foundation is an international, humanitarian, non-profit NGO, active in several countries, founded in Geneva Switzerland, first as an association (2005), then as a foundation (2020). It was born out of the desire of its founding President, Delia Mamon, to identify transformative education solutions for building sustainable peace (geopolitical, intercultural, societal).The organization has been developing since 2009 major programs and materials for Ministries of National Education for use by both teachers and students. It has been working with the Education authorities of Switzerland (2009), Côte d’Ivoire (2012) and Benin (2018) and also has agreements with those of Lebanon, Tunisia and Senegal that are to be implemented. In France, there have been local education activities since 2016. From the start, the Graines de Paix organization has been statutorily independent of any religious, sectarian, or political obedience, while at the same time actively open to dialogue and exchange.

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