Our Board — English

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Our Board

Our Board of Trustees defines the vision, strategies and key pedagogical concepts in line with our Statutes. Its main role is to ensure our sound development.

  • It manages the governance functions, including Compliance, Cost control and Expert Council management.
  • It provides the direction for our programmes and projects
  • It supervises fundraising and contributes to its success through key connections and invitations.

​The Board comprises:


Stéphanie de Mestral

Member and Treasurer since 2020

Stéphanie is Senior Vice-President at de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie (PPT), a pioneer of responsible investment and of Ethical, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria for businesses, Stéphanie is motivated to help children through her active involvement in the foundation.

Biography and motivation

Delia Mamon

President and Founder since September 2005

Delia is our lead inspirer and the one who drives our innovation-bringing education developments for a better world.

Biography and motivation

Stéphanie de Mestral

Member and Treasurer since 2020

Stéphanie is Senior Vice-President at de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie (PPT), a pioneer of responsible investment and of Ethical, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria for businesses, Stéphanie is motivated to help children through her active involvement in the foundation.

Biography and motivation

Maya Page

Member since 2020

Maya is Head of the Legal and Compliance department at Notz Stucki Group. She offers us her legal and administrative expertise.

Biography and motivation



Jim Jackson

Member since 2023

Jim is the former COO of Medair, a large emergency NGO, and also a former lawyer. He provides us with key NGO management support our Compliance lead and Ethics Focal Point, while also contributing with fundraising advice and contacts.


Dominique Falque


With more than 40 years of experience in international financial management, he joins the Board of Trustees of Graines de Paix, driven by the conviction that education must address the challenges of digitalization and robotization, while promoting human and social values.

Biography and motivation


Our Auditors are BONNEFOUS AUDIT SA, Geneva since 2012. They ensure that our accounts respect the SWISS GAAP RPC 21 standard for transparency.