Famous above all for his philosophical tale "The Little Prince", Saint Exupéry constantly condemned war, advocating humanism and heroism in its stead.
1900 -
Born of aristocratic parents, St. Exupéry was an aviator who strived for experiencing adventure and elsewhere, a humanist writer and an idealist, in addition to being a man of science, with a dozen patented inventions. Despite a failure at the Naval Academy, he had succeeded in aviation during his military service in 1921.
In 1926, he was commissioned to run the Toulouse-Dakar couriers, and was appointed, in October 1927, as head of the station at Cap Juby, where he had the task of establishing a link with the Moorish tribes and managed a number of rescues. He became a privileged interlocutor with the Moors and was made a Knight of the French Legion of Honor for Aeronautics for his services. There were many other missions and responsibilities in aeronautics, such as the head of the Aéropostale Argentina (1929), a short career as a seaplane test pilot (1933), a mission to Saigon for Air France (1934-1935), and a failed raid on the New York-Land of Fire journey (1938). But the rise of Nazism (the dangerosity of which he understood during a short trip to Germany in August 1937) and the declaration of war by France and England to Germany on September 2, 1939 made him reorient his career to engage in the efforts of the Resistance. In November 1939, he was assigned to the great recognition group 2/33, which he joined in 1943 after an exile in the United States.
St. Exupéry was especially a writer of meaningful books, emphasizing the human values of respect, welcome, openness and love. The best known, the Little Prince "One can only truly see with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes" is the most read youth novel worldwide. All his books without exception are highly worth reading for their human wisdom.
L'Aviateur, 1926
Courrier sud, 1929
Vol de nuit, 1931
Terre des hommes, 1939
Pilote de guerre, 1942
Le Petit Prince, 1943
Lettre à un otage, 1944
Posthumous publications:
Citadelle, 1948
Lettres de jeunesse, 1953
Carnets, 1953
Lettres à sa mère, 1955
Écrits de guerre, 1982
Manon, danseuse, 2007 (written in1925)
After every end comes a fresh start
It's folly to despise all roses because a thorn has stung you, to give up all dreams because one of them did not come true, to give up all attempts because we failed. It's folly to condemn all friendships because one did betray you, no longer believe in just love because one proved unfaithful, to discard every chance of being happy just because an experience didn't head the right way. There will always be another occasion, another friend, another love, a new source of strength. For each end there is always a fresh start.
- Quote