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Education is at the heart of peace!

Help us rebuild societal peace in a troubled world.
With us,your gift brings meaning and purpose to children, to youth, to you!
Ensure your gift does more than repair the unrepairable...

Make a real impact now!
By supporting Graines de Paix, your funding will contribute...

  • to school achievement and fulfillment, for girls and boys, via full quality education
  • to violence prevention, including preventing youth from becoming radicalised
  • to societal peace and peace with nature.

Donate online

Donate by bank transfer

Select your level of support

I. Foundation friends

​Gifts of 100 to 1000 CHF/EUR/USD

Support our mission on the ground.

Donate online

Donate by bank transfer

For donations of 100 CHF/EUR/USD and above, you'll receive a tax certificate.

II. Donors' Circle


Major Donors

1'000 to 10'000 CHF/EUR/USD

High-level Donors

10'000 to 100'000 and above.

We encourage you to adhere to the latest philanthropic practices for helping NGOs accomplish their mission. Leveraging education for violence prevention and societal peace is ever more urgent. Supporting innovative solutions to such world issues requires forward-thinking donors like you.

Our Donor Circle events bring together our like-minded supporters to follow our achievements and exchange ideas.

Donate by bank transfer

III. Legacies

Development-focused legacies, that impulse long-lasting societal changes, beyond repairing recurrent crises, are those producing the most value to human society. You can count on our devoted team to give meaningfulness to your legacy goals.

Contact for donations and legacies

Zané Elksnite, our Philanthropy Manager, will be pleased to support you in assessing donation and legacy options.

Click here to contact her by mail