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Education is at the heart of peace!

Help us rebuild societal peace in a troubled world.
With us,your gift brings meaning and purpose to children, to youth, to you!
Ensure your gift does more than repair the unrepairable...

Make a real impact now!
By supporting Graines de Paix, your funding will contribute...

  • to school achievement and fulfillment, for girls and boys, via full quality education
  • to violence prevention, including preventing youth from becoming radicalised
  • to societal peace and peace with nature.

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A positive education has one of the most durable impacts on today's and tomorrow's society. This is particularly true when it comes to Full Quality Education for children. Because it aims not only at the development of the full potential of students, but also at their awareness and responsibility towards major societal issues.

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Bank instructions

The accounting system of Graines de Paix is transparent (RPC 21 standards) and audited by the supervisory body Bonnefous Audit SA, a Swiss fiduciary company.

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Education - at the heart of peace

Our education transformation work is designed to:

  • bring out the full potential of each student, thereby boosting learning accomplishment, student fulfillment and teacher satisfaction
  • prevent violence and radicalization

  • foster societal peace, sustainable development and a better world, durably.

Fostering such a virtuous circle has a powerful impact on a society's security, cohesion, well-being and progress.

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Jobs, internships, volunteering

If healthy child development, quality education, violence and radicalization prevention, culture of peace and more are meaningful to you, do consult our job and volunteer opportunities herewith.

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