APEV-Benin Innovation program
Building on its successful experience in Europe and the Côte d’Ivoire, Graines de Paix worked with Education ministries in Benin to develop a program that meets the needs of the country.
This program contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Number Four of achieving inclusive and effective quality education. It also addresses Goal 16 --peace and justice--; Goal 16.1 to reduce all forms of violence and associated mortality rates; 16.2 to put an end to child abuse, exploitation and trafficking, and to all forms of violence and torture against children.
The program can be broken down into two projects:
- Project A in Benin: Improving the quality of preschool education in the Atlantic and the Coast (January 2019 - December 2021)
- Project B in Benin: Improving the quality of primary education in the Alibori department (October 2019 - December 2021)
These two projects, developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Preschool and Primary Education (MEMP) and the Ministry of Social Action and Microfinance (MASM), respond to the specific needs of the country. The Sector Plan for Education in Benin defines the improvement of the quality of education and teaching as essential in order to reduce social inequalities, to alleviate the dynamics of radicalization and to end all violence against children. Graines de Paix projects lead from a positive educational perspective that creates a less violent, more supportive and learning-friendly school environment that allows for the development of each child's full potential.
The teaching resources supporting the intervention are developed in partnership with ministerial experts, which ensures the integration of the projects into the existing school program and in the proper context.
The training experts of Graines de Paix will then train the trainers, from the control body of the education system (mainly educational advisers). They will train 2,700 preschool teachers in the southern departments and 1,800 primary school teachers in the Alibori department. Teacher training is reinforced by formative visits, educational exchange days and teaching materials to be used in the classroom with the students. This cascading training system is effective in providing teachers and students with the most context-sensitive psychosocial skills to make education less violent, inclusive, participatory and of a high quality.
Community awareness and training activities will be conducted with MASM so that parents support the process of integrating that which has been initiated at school.
These interventions will lead to greater awareness of the effects of violence in education. They will provide teachers and communities with new tools to ensure effective discipline without physical violence or humiliation. A more inclusive and peaceful school climate will be conducive to academic success and reduce drop-out rates. Through these trainings, students will develop psychosocial skills that are useful for peacekeeping and that will also reduce the risk of radicalization.
By reaching out to a significant number of teachers in the country's education system, the program will reach a critical mass of actors that may eventually have a significant influence on the country's climate of peace.